Wellness Reading Round-up: December 28, 2019
Photo by Nora Schlesinger on Unsplash
It’s pretty unbelievable to me that 2018 is coming to a close, but I’m so ready to start 2019. I’ve literally been accidentally writing 2019 on papers since September…though there were some highlights (mostly travel related), it was not an easy year. I’m looking forward to spending some time this weekend reflecting on the year and really setting my intentions on what I want to call in for the New Year. Here’s some reading material to keep you occupied this weekend.
What it takes to give and receive a good apology.
How one woman is decoding her period and treating PCOS symptoms with food.
6 ways to feel better about your money in 2019.
The benefits of drinking Earl Gray tea.
I am a jaw clencher when stressed or anxious, so I’ll definitely try these tips.
7 ways to show up for a friend during the holidays