Wellness Reading Round-up: February 9, 2019
Photo by Adam Śmigielski on Unsplash
Happy Saturday! Here’s some reading materials to keep you occupied this weekend.
The toll commuting can take on your health.
The best high fiber foods to eat.
Diversity (or lack of it) is a major issue in the wellness industrial complex. This article delves into that and the small ways it’s gradually shifting.
I love this work space, it makes me excited to move to a place that will acommodate a work space.
Why is it still taboo for women to admit that they want money? Let’s all take a cue from Cardi B and not be shy about wanting money in 2019!
Is there a correct time of day to take your vitamins???
This is important: We need to talk about mental health at work.
Another reason to stick to your yoga practice: The health benefits of doing yoga everyday
Wellness (products, public health, businesses, etc) are growing faster than the economy.