Unsure of What You Want to Manifest in 2019? Make a Vision Board!
We’ve made it to the end of the first month of 2019! It went by pretty quickly, which is a note of consideration on how quickly the remainder of the year will go! It can take a while to get your feet under you at the start of the new year. You may just be starting to feel stirrings of wanting to set intentions and goals for 2019. Or you may have already had a setback. It’s never too late to hone in on what you want to manifest for the future. A fun way to visualize your goals and intentions is a Vision Board. I did Vision Boards earlier this month for my Distill Creative - DC workshop earlier this month with a small group of people and it was a fun way to envision my year. Honestly I don’t think there’s a wrong way to do a vision board, but there are some helpful tips to create one that you may (or may not) have tried before.
1 | Gather Materials and Inspiration Via Magazines, Books, Images
Before you get started, make sure you have something to place all of your imagery on like canvas/poster board/paper and a glue like Modge Podge. You’ll also want to collect magazines you’ve collected for images, quotes, phrases, and words to place on your vision board. You can also use items like paint and glitter to further enhance your vision board, but these materials aren’t necessary.
2 | Write Down Your Vision for 2019
This in my opinion is the most important part of the vision board process. Actually writing down what you want to call in for the new year.
Envision your future self and what exactly you want your life to look like 5, 10, 15 years from now. Ask yourself questions like: What do you do? Who are your loved ones? Do you have a family? Do you travel?
Write down the names of people who inspire you and why.
Use this info to craft a statement that summarizes your vision for your life. Your vision statement should encapsulate how you want to feel, learn, accomplish and focus on in 2019. You want to hone in on what you actually need to accomplish to become the future self you envision.
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
3 | Write Down How You Plan to Work Toward Your Vision for 2019
Break down the things you wrote in your vision statement into actionable goals to take place throughout the year. There is no wrong way to do this, but the more specific, the better!
4 | Curate Imagery, Words, Quotes, etc. That Reflect our Vision
Use all of your materials to curate what you want to place on your vision board. Once you finish the curation process you can glue on all of the elements you curated. If you’re feeling more artistic, feel free to paint your canvas/poster board/paper but this is not required.
Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash
5 | Let Your Vision Board Dry and Hang it Somewhere You’ll See It
Once you stick all of your elements on your vision board, add glitter if you would like to. Then let your vision board dry for a few hours to overnight. Once it’s completely dry hang it anywhere you like but preferably somewhere you’ll be able to see it on a regular basis.
6 | Follow-up: In Six Months, Check In Your Vision for the Year And Celebrate or Adjust as Needed
Check in on your vision board this summer to see what you’ve manifested and what you’re still working to call in. If anything on your vision board no longer resonates, feel free to adhere something that does resonate on top of it. If you’ve accomplished anything on your vision board (or something outlined in more detail in your vision statement), celebrate! Take some time to journal around what you need to do to accomplish what you intended for 2019.