My 2019 Closet Curation
Photo by: Monroe Steele, Fashion Steele NYC
In 2019, I want to shift my clothing consumption to quality rather than quantity. I’m frankly bored with most of my clothing, but since I obviously can’t get rid of everything and start from scratch, I want to be mindful with what I bring into my closet this year to ensure it “sparks joy” in the words of the wise Marie Kondo. Here are some intentions I want to focus on to curate my closet in 2019.
Shop More Secondhand
For the most part, I have a lot of basics that are the building blocks of my wardrobe but would love to add more unique pieces that simply just make me happy to wear them. I love adding touches of color and whimsical prints to my wardrobe but it gets really easy to get into a rut with an overabundance of neutral prints and stripes particularly for work wear.
Re-purposing and Revamping Existing Items
Try altering, dying, and other creative means to change my existing clothing before opting to just get rise of it. I can take heed from some of my favorite YouTubers like the Notorious KIA who regularly does thrifting hauls and shows how she alters or customizes her secondhand clothing to suit her style.
Curb Impulse Clothing Purchases
I’ve greatly improved on impulse purchases for clothing but when a sale comes around I still press buy and think later about if I actually need the piece and how it will elevate what I already own. I also want to curb my fast fashion spending so when I do shop so I plan to set stricter parameters for myself so I’m no longer investing in pieces that I like now but won’t stand the test of time.
Research More Ethically and Sustainably Made Brand sand Support Them
Really honing in on my style and focusing more on quality rather than quantity is one key factor with how I want to curate my closet going forward, but I really want to learn more about and invest in pieces from brands that use ethical practices and are sustainably made. My closet should more closely align with my values and there’s definitely some misalignment on that front at this point. I can check out sites like EcoCult, The Good Trade, Stylebee, and Un-fancy for inspiration on this front.
Research More Brands Owned by People of Color and/or Women and Support Them
I’ve supported WOC and women-owned brands for quite some time and I’d like continue to do that more frequently going forward. Shopping at a slower pace and not falling prey to purchasing the cheapest available will allow me to more consciously curate my clothing purchases and bookmark go-to brands I love and wish to support like The Tiny Closet.